Case Studies
The Warren
Warren On The beach 2021 – Brighton This year Warren on the Beach returns to Brighton (23rd July – 30 Aug) providing a live Theatre, Outdoor Stage, Street Food, Bars, Comedy, Cabaret and Family Shows Tubular Techniques Were contracted to design the two temporary roof scaffold one at “Warren on the Beach” and another at…
Read MoreCountry Manor House
Another Project for our much-valued Customer Grangewood Southern was to be involved in the total refurbishment of the turn of the century country house. The project for us was to provide the design backup for the Main Contractor for the Temporary works designs to enable removal of many of the internal and external walls remodelling…
Read MoreSaving An Old Farm House
Grangewood Southern Limited (Main Contractor) took on demolition of the existing Farmhouse on this site and then the construction of the new Farmhouse Complete with new basement on this site which may sound an easy project by today’s standards, but the client wanted a particular section of the Farmhouse saved and incorporated into the new…
Read MoreLeyton Orient Football Club
Tubular Techniques were engaged by First Choice Scaffolding to prepare the scaffolding designs for the East Stand at the historic Leyton Orient Football club to enable the 100year old stand to be refurbished ready for the next season. The project involved providing a large birdcage inside the stand providing access and fall protection for when…
Read MoreElephant & Castle Shopping Centre
Once the largest indoor shopping centre in Europe opened in 1965 at the time reports said An article from the Illustrated London News of April the 3rd 1965 on the opening of the then new Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre. – Captions Read: The new shopping centre is dominated by and 11-storey office block. Two…
Read MoreBrighton Metropolitan College
We produced the designs for this free-standing support scaffold for the massive screen for this new exciting selfie experience for the public all over the world, simple project but a great one to be involved with.
Read MoreBerkeley Hotel – Knightsbridge
Late on in 2020 we embarked on an extremely demanding project to refurbish the world-famous Berkeley Hotel working for our valued Client Access Solutions Scaffolding and for the Main Contractor Piper Hill Construction. The project involved remodelling the Front Façade straightening the profile with a new wedge-shaped extension and the refurbishment of this entire wing…
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